56 Brewing
Brand Identity | Packaging | Sign Painting | Illustration | Mural Painting
56 Brewing is a craft brewery out of Northeast Minneapolis with an impressive repertoire of beers, wide in range and high in quality. I had the opportunity to partner with 56 over the years, redesigning and further developing their brand across a wide variety of touch points. The brewery crafts community at its core, and brand expressions elevate its colorful and approachable personality.
The packaging was unified under a singular look and feel, with a strong shelf presence and additional architecture considerations for special releases. These shifts at a brand level allowed 56 to compete at and above the level of the competition. Ongoing brand initiatives have helped the brewery increase sales more than eightfold since the beginning of our partnership.
Photography: Kevin Kramer & Nick Mcvey & Collin Clyne & Zach Beckman
Video: Yucky Media